Funk's Riverview Landscaping, LLC
Lancaster, PA
Yard Maintenance
We would love the opportunity to work with you by regularly mowing your lawn or property. We work with professional grade mowers - eX-Mark and Walker - and are happy to bag the clippings/leaves if you prefer.
We also offer Lawn Treatment Programs. A five-visit lawn treatment program provides the following:
- Fertilizer
- Crabgrass prevention
- Broadleaf weed control
- Grub and surface control
- Grass root enhancement
Each fertilizer application varies in its content and is designed to treat your lawn for the specific need of the season. These needs are different for each client, but with consistent treatment, these products are proven to keep your lawn looking healthy and beautifully green.
Other lawn services we offer include slice seeding, and aerating.
Contact Brad Funk for professional advice and for your free estimate: 717-826-3201